Get Emotional

People buy emotionally but justify their purchases logically. When you’re a features and benefits type of salesperson, you’re touching the logic, but how can you create some emotional points of difference?
  • Think about how you want your customers to feel and write down descriptions so you can paint a word picture to help them experience those feelings.
  • Use case histories, stories, videos and pictures that demonstrate how working with you will make their lives better.
  • Tell your customers what they can accomplish and what they will feel like when they work with you. Connect with their senses by describing what success will look like, feel like and sound like.
  • Behave like you’re on a date. You’re developing a relationship. The rules are the same.
  • Let them do the talking. You do the listening. Your job is to build trust and to be likable. Your mouth isn’t needed for that.
If you are committed and passionate about your service, you make your customers feel important, you make them feel smart, you make them feel like professionals. You take away their worries. You make them look good to their boss and their co-workers. You keep them out of trouble. You make them heroes.
Don’t tell them what you can do. Show them how you can make them feel.

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